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The Million Dollar Curve

Dec 19, 2024

I was so sick & tired of failing. 

But all I did was spin my wheels-one venture after another. One MLM after another.

And as I was about to throw in the towel on business and nearly on life, I started having some realizations about how I was showing up. 

It was hard to hear at first, because I was the common denominator in all those failures- not the "iffy" business partners...not the economy...not the poorly designed was all me. 

Once I faced that, and understood more about myself, how I engaged with others, and with projects, and has some light shone on the blind spots, I started to choose differently. 

I could focus on my strengths, and then hone the skills that had notoriously been lacking in my life. I could still have fun, be the visionary, connect the dots on big ideas AND I could also follow through. 

I could find a way to ignore the squirrels and the shiny objects long enough to get thigs done...right. 

This tapping of dormant skills within is called "The Million Dollar Curve." 

And it is the way the Enneagram helped save my life, and helped save this notary business from being my 27th failure so many years ago. 

Now, along with my mother, I'm teaching the basics of the Enneagram for notary entreprenuers in a FREE online event called, "Dealing With People," and you're invited. Multiple dates and times available. Choose the most convenient for you at the link below. 

Register here

This is foundational training designed to introduce you to the nine types of the Enneagram and give you some resources for helping you figure out which type you might lead with. 

Once you have an idea of your type, you can start to examine WHY you do the things you do. You'll gain a new appreciation for the things you do well, and then you can build a new relationship with skills you may have considered weaknesses before. 

Knowing your own type is your starting point, and then knowing your relationship to the other types helps you build your own "Million Dollar Curve" so you can better create the results you want in life. 

After this training, you'll beeter understand YOURSELF and other people. 

It's powerful stuff. It's free. And it is NOT recorded. 

We have lots of dates & times to choose from and I'd love to see you there. 

Register for the Zoom link here




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