If you're in the grand majority of notary entrepreneurs who have come to their Monday morning unclear about what to do for your notary business today, or this week, pause for a few minutes now to gain clarity.
Yesterday, I made a post in the High Performance Notary Collective asking what the top three priorities for this week are. This should be a weekly habit of yours if you want to stay on track for hitting your goals.
Try it now, if you'd like. What are three tasks or projects that, if completed this week, would move you closer to your revenue goal?
If your answers to that question were not specific enough to create an actionable checklist of task or projects, then go back to the drawing board NOW.
Don't wait another week!
“If you get on the wrong train, immediately you realize it, get off at the next nearest station. The longer it takes you to get off, the more expensive the return trip will be.”-Japanese proverb
Monday mornings give you a chance to immediately realize where you're going (or not going) this week. Correct course now.
Clarify your top three priorities for the week ahead. These tasks or projects should be SUPER SPECIFIC, actionable, and should move you closer to your REVENUE GOAL.
They should be so clear that come next Sunday, when you review your week, you will immediately know whether you have completed them for the week.
Vague goals; Vague results.
Do you see the difference?
In the first example of each, how would you measure results next Sunday? How do you measure, "Work on marketing" or "Enhance online visibility?"
It's too vague.
Get more specific and choose significant tasks or projects that will leave you feeling PROUD and CONFIDENT that you have taken MASSIVE action toward your goal this day or this week.
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