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Notary Training: Build Lifetime Clients and Boost Referrals Fast

Dec 14, 2024

What if I told you that your next $20 notary appointment could be worth more than $2,000 in lifetime value? That’s not a pipe dream—it’s actually a strategy, and I’m here to teach you how.

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Success is a many varied thing and defining it can be cryptic and ambiguous. Rather than some outsider determining what success should be, I think it should be decided by each person individually, not by comparison to someone else, or some societal expectation, but by your inner wisdom. 

I get to talk about success with notaries every day. For some, it’s earning six figure income. For others, their mobile notary work is an excuse to get out of the house, make a little extra money, and be of service to their community. 

Maybe success for you is both: earn and serve. 

That’s the gift you and I share as notaries public. Chances are, if you’re in my orbit, and I in yours, you’re a heart-driven notary that wants to make a decent living in service to others. 

You are…a notary entrepreneur. 

As foretold by the great Tony Robbins, and lucky for us, success really does leave clues. I was fortunate enough to stumble upon these little morsels of wisdom along my pock-marked path as an entrepreneur, and it is with pleasure I share the framework I used to organize my business activity to help create lasting client relationships and unlimited revenue potential. 

This is the Top of Mind Method, a series of opportunities we have as notary entrepreneurs to help open the doors to client and signer relationships that can last well beyond a single transaction. 

All you have to do is S.M.I.L.E.

Before we begin, a note: Marketing tends to get the top billing for articles and training programs in our notary community, and it is clearly important, because without customers, you’re out of business. 

But I’m not talking about marketing in this article, at least not as most people understand it. We all know our customers come from two primary sources: Online visibility (Technology) & your outreach efforts to prospects and your network (People). Focusing on strategies in those two realms will make the phone ring. 

But what then? 

The Top of Mind Method, and the SMILE framework within it, will help you answer that question. 

Some might call this branding, or sales, or customer service, and even marketing. It’s all of those things. All designed to help you move beyond transactional relationships, where you simply sign, date, and stamp a piece of paper and move on to the next customer, to something more...

Creating a lifetime customer. 

A customer who enjoys your services so much that they’ll never go to another notary in their life. And who will tell all their friends and family about you too. 

They become your raving fan. Yes, notaries deserve those too. 

Twenty dollar appointments (or $200 appointments) suddenly become worth thousands when you realize the lifetime value of your clients, AND the networks they bring with them. 

Get ready to S.M.I.L.E. 

  • Solve their problem.
  • Masterfully deliver your services.
  • Implement ironclad button-up.
  • Leverage long term connection strategies. 
  • Expand your knowledge and your network. 

In next week’s issue of Notary Business Tips, I’ll expand on what it means to solve your customers' problems. 

If you're ready to get serious about your income goals as a notary entrepreneur, join me in the High Performance Notary Collective on the Skool platform today. I'll help you identify your revenue goal, take inventory of the services and products that will get you there faster, and then meet with you every week in our group planning sessions to help you stay on track with your plan. 

Learn More and Join High Performance Notary Here


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