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The Simple Way to Get More Notary Customers

Nov 30, 2024

Do the following 8 things, every day for your notary business and success is inevitable.

It doesn't matter if you want to make $8,333.33 a month (The minimum threshold for six-figures, by the way), or just an extra $2,000 a month. 

Don't get too caught up with judgement & shame (of you OR me) about the dollar amount. 

Just do the work it takes to make it happen.

These are the exact 8 action items I did every single day to pull me from mediocrity and barely surviving, to thriving with multiple six-figure income as both a loan signing agent and a trust delivery agent. 

I call them my, "Daily Dos."

  1. Make it a point to meet and connect with at least 3-5 MORE people to add to your contact list every day. A contact list is your database of everyone you have ever known in your life, and it's the most valuable asset your business owns. 
  2. Ping 10 people from your warm contact list with quick, warm, friendly demonstrations that you care about them. 
  3. Research at least one person from your Fab 100 list (That’s your PROSPECT list-people you don't work with yet, but want to).
  4. Reach out to that prospect with Creative, Authentic connection (based on your research).
  5. Follow up on previous prospecting messages.
  6. Ask a friend, family member, client, or colleague for a referral.
  7. Attend some kind of networking event, either filled with prospects or filled with peers, to help expand your network and your knowledge. 
  8. Create a valuable piece of content, like a blog or social post, and distribute via social media, YouTube, LinkedIn, or your email database. 

Do this for 90 (business) days straight and watch what happens. 

This is better than a business plan. 

This is a sales process map. It's exactly what you could be doing, every single day, to put yourself in front of MORE people that might HIRE you or REFER you. 

Spend 80% of your day doing activities like this, the Daily Dos ritual, and your phone WILL be ringing & dinging off the hook. 

Want some accountability around this? 

Join us in High Performance Notary on the Skool platform here

I've created worksheets, and a workshop, to help you identify our annual revenue goal, as well as what products and services you offer to help you reach that number. 

Then, we meet each week with our Weekly Review sheets to set your priorities for the week ahead.

I then created Daily Sheets, with the Daily Dos built in, to help you track your progress there. 

Every week! Every week, we review your progress, clarify challenges, overcome obstacles, and lay the plan for the next week ahead. 

That's why I want you to join for the entire year! 

Imagine what we can do in twelve months together...

See you inside. 


50% Complete

Almost There! 

Enter your email for the free report that details how I got started and grew my mobile notary and loan signing agent business to multiple six-figures.