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21 Reasons You’re Leaving Easy Money on the Table IF You're Not Specializing in Estate Planning Documents

Mar 08, 2025

You need to hear this.

Our beloved loan signings...

That’s survival money (If we're lucky).

Estate planning signings...

Now, that’s money that builds empires.

And yet, most notaries are too busy chasing crumbs from signing services to notice the real opportunity sitting right in front of them.

Let’s fix that.

Off the top of my head, here's 21 reasons to specialize in estate planning documents before you regret It (and I bet I can come up with at least 12 more): 

  1. Loan signings come and go. Estate planning is a forever market. (People will never stop dying-hate to break it to you.)
  2. Over 200,000 estate planning professionals in the U.S. need notaries. Consistently.
  3. Less hassle. No printing (Usually).  No last-minute cancellations (Usually). Less drama (Again, usually, but gurl, you know drama finds a way).
  4. No signing services taking a cut (Watch this though-more an more signing services making the pivot here too). You negotiate your rate directly.
  5. Full and fair fees. Attorneys don’t lowball professionals. ( one.)
  6. No more getting ghosted on payment. Attorneys don’t stiff their vendors. They cut checks.
  7. You’re part of a team, not a gig worker. This makes you essential. 
  8. People show up. Nobody skips an appointment that protects their family’s future. 
  9. Built-in referrals. Attorneys don’t work with just one client. Do a good job once, and you’ve got work for life. 
  10. Recession-proof. If mortgage rates go up, who cares? People still need wills and trusts. 
  11. Respect. The trust delivery agent who helps these signers protect their legacy is a hero.
  12. Predictable income. Mortgage-dependent notaries sweat every rate hike. You won’t.
  13. This funds your future. Want a Solo 401(k)? To set your kids up for success? You can’t do that on signing service scraps. 
  14. You stop undercharging. The moment you start working with professionals, you price yourself like one.
  15. Clients actually thank you. No one’s hugging you after a title transfer. Estate planning is different. You bring peace of mind. And that deserves a hug. 
  16. No more feast or famine. This specialty creates stability in your income, so you’re never desperate for work.
  17. Better people, better pay. Attorneys and financial professionals pay well and treat you like a professional.
  18. No more freaking out when things slow down. Because they won’t.
  19. You get control of your time. Loan signings happen when lenders say. Estate planning happens when you schedule it. It's WAY more fexible. 
  20. No one is teaching this the right way. That means less competition and more opportunity.
  21. It makes you financially untouchable. The notaries who specialize in estate planning aren’t worrying about the economy. They’re excited by it.

This isn’t just another revenue stream. It’s how you build a real business, one that pays well, gives you control, and doesn’t crumble when the mortgage industry sneezes.

If you want to stop winging it and start playing the real game, let me & my cohorts show you how to do it today.

Here's what I offer...

My FREE Six Step Attorney Marketing/Prospecting Plan for Notaries is a one hour webinar offered periodically throughout the year so you can learn how to market in this industry. 

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At the end of that training, I'm going to offer you an incredible deal to get certified as a trust delivery agent that will help better service the public and estate planning professionals in the proper execution of their most important paperwork. 

If you'd like to cut through the BS and just jump into the next big boom for mobile notaries and get certified with the most comprehensive program in the country, and save $50 off the usual price, click the link below and be certified by Monday (if you're diligent). 

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And here's the thing. Buy the program today, save $50, and I'll include a replay to my Six Step Attorney Marketing/Prospecting Plan training inside your course material so you don't miss anything. 

For real...

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