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Resources: The 5 Key Steps to Starting & Building a Mobile Notary and Loan Signing Business

May 07, 2018


We went over a lot on Saturday, and we promised some resources. We aim to deliver those in this email/blog post.

We broke down the resources by step, so they are easy for you to find. Please know that this is not a definitive plan. There are many routes and resources available to you. Just because we don't mention a particular one, doesn't mean they wouldn't be a good resource for you. That said, please be wary of any organization that promises business in exchange for a fee.

Most people start a business on a shoestring budget, so where you spend your money matters. There are some really great companies out there that can help you, and, unfortunately, there are some companies that over-promise and under-deliver. Our webinar today can help guide you through that and then these resources will help get you started without spending unnecessary dollars. 

As you explore your options, consider the two perspectives you've been offered. Both Carol and I have experienced tremendous success as signing agents, AND we took different paths to get there. You don't have to follow our exact steps. Take the best of what we each have to offer, and EXCEED our success! Live the life you've always dreamed of. This business is RIPE for innovation. YOU are the "fresh meat" that can make that happen. We are here to help.

Step 1- How to Become a Notary Public in Your State

The best source is to go straight to your Secretary of State's website and follow the instructions on how to become a notary public for your state. The problem is, these sites aren't always very clear, AND the Secretary of State isn't always the regulatory body. Because of that, Carol and I have two recommendations for guiding you as you get started as a Notary Public:

Carol Says: American Association of Notaries

Bill Says: American Society of Notaries

Alternative: National Notary Association

Download "Bonds Vs. E & O Insurance" From Notary2Pro


Step 2- Loan Signing Agent Certification

If you plan on being an independent contractor for existing signing companies, you will almost always be required to prove your loan signing agent certification from the National Notary Association (NNA). 

This certification consists of a test, based on the NNA's, and the SPW's, Code of Conduct. To be straight-forward with you, the testing system leaves MUCH to be desired. While this certification is pretty much a requirement, passing it has no bearing on your ability to do this job, or thrive in the industry. It is a multiple choice test that requires an 80% or better to pass.

The nice thing about this set-up, is that the NNA bundles the access to the exam with the criminal background check. They offer the bundle for $65. Regardless of who you end up working for, or with, they will require the background check. 

Another perk to passing the exam through the NNA is the free listing you will receive on their sister-site, This is a directory of certified signing agents that escrow officers, and other closing agents, actually do use to find local signing agents. 

Click here to gain access to the test and criminal background check for $65 from the NNA (click "Signing Agent" Tab and make sure your state is selected correctly in the upper right hand corner)

Errors & Omissions Insurance

When it comes to the insurance that protects YOU, as the notary, you have some options. MANY mainstream insurance companies offer it, and there are two groups to consider:

Carol Says: Notary Rotary

Bill Says: National Notary Association


Step 3- Documents, Etiquette, and Processes

This section is the real "meat" of the business, because it deal with your day to day activities. There is a LOT to learn and you MUST get some sort of training to be effective at this. You want to know how to facilitate smooth and efficient signings, so the customer is well-serviced, your clients are represented well, AND you are able to maximize your revenue. To do so, get training, coaching, and mentorship.

Carol Ray at Notary2Pro

Bill Soroka at Notary Coach's Sign & Thrive Course and Community

Download Sample "Note" as Used in Webinar

Download "How to Ship Documents" from Notary2Pro


Step 4- Business and Personal Development

 This is a powerful step in the growth of your business, and for you, as the owner and leader of the business. The actions you either take, or don't take, every single day, will determine your success. This takes discipline, motivation,and enthusiasm. Here are your resources:

Comprehensive List of Signing Companies to Apply With

Find Closing Agent/Escrow Officer Email Addresses With Hunter.IO

The Miracle Morning


Attributes of a six-figure notary business from Bill

1. Have a database of every single person you know

2. Stay connected to this database, by "tickling" periodically

3. Find a unique and creatuve way to connect deeper, and authentically

4. ASK fo referrals

5. Be committed to win/win

6. EVERYTHING is based on relationships

7. Stay humble and hustle

8. Give before you get

9. Alway keep the big picture in mind

10. NEVER stop learning


Step 5- Tools and Resources for Managing Your Business

Having the right tools can make all the difference in your business. We have some suggestions here for how to manage the day to day aspect of your work.

Notary Assist for invoices, mileage tracking, etc.

Go Daddy for buying domain names

Credit Card Processing from Square (for general notary work)

This is a lot of information to help you make this business anything you need it to be. If you have any questions at all, you can reach us at the folowing email addresses:

Carol Ray: [email protected]

Bill Soroka: [email protected] 


Good luck in your business!

Bill and Carol


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