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Clients Devastated, Ignored by Unwitting Notaries

Clients Devastated, Ignored by Unwitting Notaries

Imagine with me for a moment, would you? 

You’ve just closed on your dream home, and the experience was smooth, efficient, and even enjoyable, thanks in large part to your amazing real estate agent, referred by a colleague of yours. 

You loved working with her, and really “hit it off.” You might even be friends after this. 

You get the keys, decorate, make it yours. 

And then you run into your real estate agent at the grocery store. There she is in canned goods, in front of the stewed tomatoes. Can you see her? 

You run down the aisle to catch up with her because you just have to tell her what a difference she made. 

You share your thoughts, just loud enough that a few passersby can overhear. They might want to work with her too. She was just that good. 

And then, as you complete your word-shower love-fest on your new favorite real estate agent, she simply turns and walks away,...

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Weird is Better: How to Stand Out When Sending Holiday Cards

Last night, on our weekly NBB Accountability call, I shared an accidental strategy that ended up working quite well for me in my business relationships. 

I’ve never been great at mailing cards and letters on time. 

Birthday cards would sit on my counter, or in my glove box for months until they were so late I may as well have used them for the recipient’s next birthday. 

I was especially bad with holiday cards for my clients. 

Always Late With Holiday Cards

At first, I’d be so embarrassed at how late the cards were that I wouldn’t send them at all, even after signing and addressing them. 

And then one January, after missing another season, I said, “screw-it, I’m sending them anyway.” I decided I would pop-in to my clients and drop off cards and good spirits six weeks after everyone else, and something interesting happened. 

As they were taking down the swarms of holiday cards they had received...

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When & How to Ask For Customer Reviews

Once you’ve accepted that consumer reviews are important to your mobile notary success, the next question you probably have is about how to ask for reviews and when to ask for them. 


(And if you're still not quite sold on the idea of review-getting, read two of my previous articles here and here)

You can get as creative as you want with this, and you can find a style that matches your personality. 

If you’re uncomfortable asking for reviews, consider that 70% of consumers have left reviews before, and 90% of consumers use reviews to make buying decisions. That means you’re not asking for something out of left field here. They’re used to it!

More than that, most people want to help small business owners when they’ve had a positive experience. 

So let’s talk about it.

When to Ask For Reviews:

As a rule of thumb, you’ll only ask a client for a review when you’ve delivered five-star service and there is no...

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Why Customer Reviews Matter So Much

Do you ever wonder why online customer reviews mean so much for your notary business? 

It’s not some narcissistic desire for attention (usually). 

Reviews are important because…

Reviews = Revenue. 

Let me show you how.

Why Reviews Matter

There are two main reasons you should become a review-getting guru for your business.

The most obvious is social proof. Somewhere around 90% of consumers choose a business to work with based on reviews. 

I could end the article here because numbers like that, even if they’re skewed by 40%, are enough to put a period on the sentence. 

Reviews matter. 

People care what other people think. That’s why social proof works so well. When your prospects see that other people have taken the risk and tried you out, and were pleased with the results, it blazes the trail to booking your services. 

When you have great reviews (and lots of them), your prospects don’t have to think as hard. And...

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