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The Unstoppable Notary Entrepreneur

Nov 11, 2023

When I played football in high school, our coach had a slogan above the door that led to the field that said, “Go Forth With Reckless Abandon.” 

Coach explained that only one game matters-the one you're in. Will you choose to fully engage in such a way that leaves it ALL on the field for that one? And then the next? And the next, until you’re on a winning streak?

A streak gives you the momentum of a racing train, nearly unstoppable

In my blog today, I'm going to help you get on a S.T.R.E.A.K. of your own.   

Six Practices to Ignite a Winning Streak 

What I’ve learned through the years is that staying engaged with your goals and dreams with reckless abandon does NOT mean wild, careless, random, or desperate activities done with your fingers crossed, just hoping something works. 

The freedom we seek is found through discipline. Not all willy-nilly, but with intention…daily. 

That’s how you get on a S.T.R.E.AK

S- Set SMARTER Goals

You have probably heard of S.M.A.R.T. goals: Specific; Measurable; Actionable; Risky; and Time bound.  S.M.A.R.T.E.R. adds two important elements: Exciting-because you need a goal that will almost pull you out of bed on those mornings even when you “just don’t wanna.” And Relevant, meaning appropriate to the current time or circumstances. Many of us started this year with certain goals in mind and we’ve had to do an "About-Face" because circumstances have changed. 

T- Take Action Daily

Don’t let the sun set (or rise) without taking a step toward your dream. Every step counts, no matter how small. And remember, what gets scheduled, gets done. Make an appointment for your dream or goal. Which brings us to the 'R' in STREAK...

R- Respect Your Calendar

Once that appointment with yourself is set, defend your time as if your life depended on it, because the life of your dream, and your confidence that comes with it, does depend on it. 

When you honor your calendar, and actually make progress on your goals, it’s like keeping little promises to yourself every day, which builds up inner trust, integrity, and esteem. 

E- Evaluate Your Progress

Check-in with your goal progress at least once a week. What’s working? What’s not? This is done in a 100% judgment-free zone. Tell your inner critic to take the day off when you evaluate. You just want to look at the facts. And you know how you tell what’s working and what’s not? Results. They never lie. 

A- Adjust Accordingly

If you’re not making progress, why? Is the goal irrelevant? Unexciting? Too big and overwhelming? It’s okay to adjust. Break it into smaller pieces, toss it away completely-replace it. You only answer to you. Only quit on a goal that no longer serves your dream, not just your mood. If you’re dreaming big enough, you’ll have plenty of days where you won’t be in the mood to work. It’s hard work at times. But as the Navy Seals say, "Embrace the Suck". That’s just you growing and becoming.  

K- Keep Going

Keep going…That’s what a streak is: showing up to do the work again and again. If you miss a day, own it, miss it, mourn it, then let it go. 

Wake up the next morning and begin day one of your NEXT streak. 

Move With Reckless Abandon

As you move into 2024 and beyond, I invite you to engage in your goals with a renewed sense reckless abandon. Create your own winning streaks. 

And if you’re ever feeling listless, and unexcited about your work, remind yourself of WHY this business MUST work for you (who's counting on you?) and ask yourself this question:

Am I fully engaged, or am I engaged in escape? 


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