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The Best Course I Ever Created (But you've probably never seen)

Nov 18, 2024

I'm flabbergasted and I need your help.

Six years ago (Even before my first book, Sign & Thrive, was published), I wrote the Morning Mastery course as a step-by-step roadmap to how mobile notaries could 20X their revenue.

I gave it away to over 5,000 notaries.

And just yesterday, I finally took a look at the progress stats (I've never been very good with analystics). I had assumed that a step-by-step plan of action to earn $20,000 a month would have been watched. I was wrong.

BARELY 3% of these notaries completed this course. MOST of them never even started it.

I know, I know, we get busy. I'm guilty of it too. The person inside of me that buys courses is not the same person that has to take them. I collect courses too. I've spent thousands of dollars on courses that just sit in my Kajabi library.

But, as a coach, that's heartbreaking. I see so many notaries give up on their business before they really give it a chance.

I KNOW this material works. In fact, I'm going to say this is probably my favorite course I've ever created. Not because it's fancy (it's not). But because the fundamentals taught in the Morning Mastery program are EXACTLY what you'll need to BECOME the type of entrepreneur that takes the massive action required to get the results you want.

It's all about BECOMING.

So, here's what I did.

The other night, I loaded the Morning Mastery Course into the High Performance Notary Classroom. Over the next couple of weeks, I'm going to drip these lessons from the course out to members with a post announcing that fact.

This gives everyone in the HPN community a place to share ideas, questions, obstacles and solutions in one place for leach lesson. 

If you're ready to take massive DAILY action towards your goals and have the support of an entire community behind you, come join is in the High Performance Notary Collective

Click here to learn more


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