The most successful notaries have one thing in common: They follow the formula.
And, somewhat obviously, I suppose, those who struggle the most, don’t.
This struck me as I was reading Mel Robbins’ new book, “The Let Them Theory,” during a hot bath, as I tried to shake the January blues (I’m writing this in the last week of February and I STILL haven’t shaken them-but it is better. Anyone else relate?)
Here’s what Mel said on page 82, in regards to being afraid of people thinking poorly of you:
“Every business has a formula. Follow it. I say that because one of the things I see people get hung up on all the time is this belief that, ‘I need to be different.’ That is a fancy way to say that you're afraid other people will think that you copied them. This is an example of how your fear of what other people think holds you back from following the most obvious, easiest, and most proven path to success. Let them think you copied them. Because you did. And they copied the formula from someone else. Because they did. Formulas exist because they work time and time again. You will make it unique because you will be putting yourself into the formula. Do not reinvent the wheel. Follow the formula and use it to your advantage.”
Have you ever caught yourself thinking, “I need to do something different to stand out” or “I don’t want to copy what other notaries are doing”?
I’ve been hearing that second one a lot lately and it has me shook.
I offer several training programs about loan signing, trust delivery, apostilles, marketing, Google Business Profile, and lots more, and every program includes the exact scripts, strategies, and formulas I used to get incredible results.
And yet…
Notaries don’t use them. They think they have to be different.
Do you know why me and my collaborators include the exact scripts, strategies, and formulas?
Because we want you to copy them.
They work. Use them. Please.
As another famous Robbins (Tony) says, Success. Leaves. Clues.
One of the biggest mistakes I see notary entrepreneurs make is trying to reinvent the wheel instead of following the proven path to success.
They hesitate to:
Reach out to attorneys or escrow officers because “they probably already work with someone.”
Use the same marketing tactics that top earners use because “I don’t want to look like I’m copying.”
And guess what happens. They stay stuck.
Every successful notary followed a formula, me included (even if it came from other industries) and so should you.
Success in this industry isn’t magic. It’s math. The highest-earning notaries all follow the same fundamental business principles:
Get visible: Google, LinkedIn, directories, social media, your optimized website.
Build relationships: Estate planning attorneys, title companies, business owners,-whomever your ideal clients are- through networking, through outreach.
Stay top of mind: Follow-ups, content, engagement, referral requests.
Deliver exceptional service: Be trained, professional, reliable, and knowledgeable.
That’s it. That’s the playbook. And you don’t have to reinvent it, you just have to execute it.
Let them think you copied…Because you did (If you’re smart).
Every successful notary you admire copied the formula from someone else.
And that’s a good thing.
The formula exists because it works. You’ll still make it unique because you’re putting yourself into it with your voice, your relationships, your style & personal brand.
So instead of asking, “How can I be different?”, start asking, “How can I implement what already works consistently?”
Let them think you copied. Let them roll their eyes. Let them overcomplicate their way into inaction.
You’re here to build a thriving notary business. Follow the formula.
Will you get out of your own way? Will you...let them judge you? Will you take on the second half of Mel Robbins let them theory, and "Let Me" do what you need to do to succeed?
Tell me what you think in the comments. And, please don't use the AI generated comments, tell me what you really think & feel-don't let a bot do it.
Oh, and speaking of formulas…
I have a 9-step action plan I offer to all members of the High Performance Notary Collective. It’s my proven plan to get the results you want and it’s all done inside High Performance notary, where it’s all notaries helping notaries improve their craft, achieve their goals, recognize their dreams, and vanquish their fear of marketing.
Does that sound good to you?
Get a 7-day free trial and just check it out already. Please, copy all my best stuff. I share it in HPN.
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