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Additional Revenue Stream for Notaries: The Wedding Officiant

Jun 21, 2020

One of the beautiful parts of owning your own mobile notary and loan signing agent business, is the flexibility you have to grow additional streams of revenue. 

There really are so many different services we can provide!

A favorite for many notaries is to become a wedding officiant. It is rewarding, because you are helping couples on their happiest days. And, it can be lucrative as well, especially if you do it right. 

Taken seriously, being a wedding officiant can be an excellent source of income. What does it mean to take it seriously?

  • Get trained and deliver a magnificent ceremony. 
  • Have a website and professional presence. 
  • Take pride in the part you play on a very special day. 

No, not every state automatically makes you eligible to be a wedding officiant just because you become a Notary Public (Some states do!). 

But, just like any other human being that wants to become a wedding officiant, there is a process to become one, and you can do it too! Then, just blend it in to your mobile notary and loan signing business. 

One of the biggest online churches that offers ordainment is the Universal Life Church. In many states, their products can make this process very easy. Whether you choose this route or not, they have amazing resources for exploring the individual state laws to become an ordained minister and perform wedding ceremonies. You can browse their website and resources at the link below.

Research State Laws Here

You'll see that the threshold to become a wedding officiant and/or an ordained minister is actually pretty low in some states. This is very much like it is to become a Notary Public in most states.

But like becoming a Notary Public, don't let the ease in which it is to become one, fool you into believing it is easy to perform the duties. This should not be taken lightly.

Please don't "wing it!"

Your couples, and all their friends and families, are counting on you to perform a ceremony that will live in their hearts forever. 

And, believe it or not, there is an art to creating an amazing ceremony. 

You better believe I found the perfect guy to show you how to do it too!

Meet Mark Allen Groleau, founder and creator of the Unboring!Officiant course. 

Mark visited with us last year, and again last month, to show us how to construct an amazing ceremony AND how to build a business around this service. I have both replays for you down below.

Watch How to Create and Deliver an Amazing Wedding Ceremony Here

And, the follow up webinar, focused more on building the business side of things is down below.

Watch The Professional Officiant’s #1 Secret to Getting Booked Solid Here

If you like to help people, especially when they are high on life and happy, then being a wedding officiant may be the perfect accent for your Notary business. 

Go and get it!


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