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You're Not the Boss of Me

Oct 16, 2022

 You can listen to this blog on YouTube here

"This is it" was the message from a seminar I once attended that helped me (gradually) realize that "someday" doesn't exist. If it was going to be, it was up to 

Some other singular concepts that emerged from conferences & conversations: 

  • I can be angry at my father because he doesn't live up to my expectations, or I can love him the way he is and appreciate him for the gifts he does bring to my life. (Personal Development Seminar Phoenix)
  • “Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.” (Saw Brene Brown in Denver)
  • There is no success without helping others. (Personal Development Workshop Phoenix)
  • Email marketing is still king. (Anik Signal webinar)
  • Home builders use their own escrow companies, or a strategic partner escrow company to close transactions. (Overheard through a cubicle Scottsdale)
  • Success leaves clues. Pay attention to the clues. (Tony Robbins event Phoenix)
  • Results, while often harsh, are always true. Try things your way if you want, but if the results don't match, stop reinventing the wheel and do what is proven to work. (Personal Development retreat Napa Valley)

This last one was huge for me. 

I am stubborn and pretty sure my epitaph will read: "You're not the boss of me."

I don't like to follow directions and I love innovating, thinking outside the box, and creating new ways of thinking.

Blazing trails is my business and business is good. 

But it wasn't always like this. 

I failed in every venture I started until I got out of my own way. 

Until I stopped thinking I was the exception to the rule, and started eating up the candied clues of success-habits and a daily success routine. 

One author initiated that shift for me. One guy who took the time to share his story in a book showed me a framework that answered the question I didn't even know I had: Why bother with habits and routine? 

That guy was Hal Elrod and he wrote The Miracle Morning, now a huge movement of books, and even a movie. 

One concept changed my life forever. 

I measure my life now as before The Miracle Morning, and after. 

Life after The Miracle Morning is more fulfilling by far. 

With its inspiration, I recaptured my confidence after failing at 26 business, have my heart broken and trampled, and nearly being evicted from my apartment. 

Through Hal, I met Chandler Bolt, who's Self-Publishing School helped publish my first book (and every book thereafter). 

There's an immeasurable ripple effect of ideas and human connections. 

That's why being in the arena, making things happen for yourself and others is the key to success. It doesn't happen on the sidelines. You gotta play the game. 

Come play with us!

Hal Elrod is our special keynote speaker at The Notary Symposium this year, and he is only one of five incredible presenters that will rattle the universe and drop ideas that could literally change everything for you. 

It will be the best $99 investment you'll make this year. I know it. 

Reserve Your Seat Here

It's virtual and live, so you don't have to travel anywhere. You get all the recordings so you can watch again later or catch up if you can't attend all sessions. 

When I look back and think about what my life would look like if I had not invested in Hal Elrod, I get anxiety. When would I have found my confidence again? Would I have found it yet, ten years later? How many more failures would I have endured? Would I have had the courage to even start another business? 

Would I have met you? Would I have experienced the joy that success in this business can bring?

This work we do matters, and the opportunities you are presented with by heart-driven leaders like Laura Biewer (creator of the Symposium) can make all the difference for you. 

This is your call to action, my personal plea to you: If you attend just one more event this year, attend the Notary Symposium. 

Your legacy continues to call. Answer. 

Reserve Your Seat Here


Bill Soroka is the founder of Notary Business Builder, an elite community of professional Notary entrepreneurs that are committed to building a successful business in any economy by leveraging authentic sharing technology and cultivating deeper relationships. 


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