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Grow Your Notary Business Through Collaboration

Jun 15, 2020

 Welcome to the National Notary Association's annual conference!

Due to Covid19, this year's conference is 100% online and the festivities kicked off Monday, June 15 with a presentation by Laura Biewer and I.

You can watch the full replay of "Grow Your Business Through Collaboration" with the link above, courtesy of the NNA. 

It's such an honor to be able to share with you the strategies and mindset for collaborating, because I got to do so with on eof my absolute favorite collaborators, Laura Biewer. 

Collaborating really is an art form. It's an art that requires some fumbling around, and figuring some things out for yourself, your vision, and what it is exactly you want, and don't want, in a collaborator. 

Laura and I are able to share our experiences, tips, and some ideas on what you can do to create your own opportunities. Hopefully, this will be a guiding light on your journey.

Enjoy the show and thank you for all your support!

Resource Links:

NNA Conference details:

Laura Biewer:

PDF Handout:

Bill Soroka:

Sign & Thrive Book:

Sign & Thrive Notary Training Course and Community:



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