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"Connecting Powerfully at the NNA (or any) Conference," with Special Guest, Robbie Samuels

May 24, 2018

 Connecting Powerfully at the NNA (or any) Conference 

If you missed the live version of this webinar tonight, you missed out on some fun with Robbie & I. Luckily, we recorded and it so you can catch up on the excellent tips and strategies that Robbie offered to help boost your business, and your life, through networking.

Robbie Samuels, author of "Croissants vs. Bagels: Strategic, Effective, & Inclusive Networking at Conferences," has a different way of approaching networking. In tonight's webinar, he shared the importance of planning ahead, knowing why you want to attend your conferences, or special networking events, and be intentional in your approach.

While at the event, Robbie offers specific ways you can approach other people, start conversations, and leap frog through the room to connect with the very people that will help you enhance your business, or other endeavor. 

What I love about Robbie, is that he focuses on the authentic side of networking. It's so important for us, as mobile notaries and loan signing agents, to cut through the mask of titles, and connect to the real people behind them. Escrow Officers, real estate attorneys, and anyone that might help grow our business are also people. Find a unique and creative way to tap into that, your year is made. 

We are always just one connection away from everything changing! And, it's not just at conferences and events. Every loan signing, and every general notary appointment, is a chance to connect with these "small networking moments," as Robbie calls them. You never know who is sitting across the table from you. Take a chance, be yourself, and authentically connect.

I met a fabulous couple one time as I signed their refinance paperwork, and we hit it off immediately. At the end of the signing, the wife told me she was the manager for another title company and she loved the way I handled my signings. Would I sign for them? Heck yes, I would! And I did. That one connection turned into a $100,000 a year client, and we are still friends to this day!

The key is to put yourself in situations where you may meet people in the first place, and then set yourself up for success with a variety of systems. Robbie shares his business card philosophy, how to connect while in line, what to do in break-out sessions, and so much more.

Like any type of marketing, the fortune is in the follow up. Have a plan to stay connected, even after the event, and implement your plan. 

All this and more in the video replay above!

Thank you for watching!

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