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How to Make $2,000 a Month as a Part Time Notary Public

Dec 07, 2024

No matter your income goal for your notary business, you can reverse-engineer the math to see exactly what it will take to get there. 

To make $2,000 a month in your notary business-whether full time or part time, here’s how you do it.

First, let’s look at what $2,000 a month turns into after a year. $2k x 12 months= $24,000 annually. 

Then, let’s assume you’ll want at least two weeks away from work, so you technically only have 50 weeks to make this $24,000. 

Divide $24,000 by 50 weeks and that equals $480 per week in revenue. 

How many days per week are you willing to work? Let’s just assume five days. 

So, you divide your weekly revenue goal of $480 by 5. That equals $96 per day. 

You now know that if you want to make $2,000 a month, with a two week vacation in the year, you’ll need to make $96 a day, five days a week. 

But how do you do that? 

First, take an inventory of your services and products. 

What do you do for money? Get specific. Just saying, “Notarization” doesn’t help you gain clarity. 

As you list out your specific services, include your average fee for each service or product. For example:

  1. Loan Signings (All types): $100
  2. Trust Delivery: $200
  3. Medical Facilities: $75
  4. Apostille: $150
  5. Fingerprinting: $100
  6. Legacy Vault Notary Partner Program- $250-$400

How many of each product or service do you need to “sell” in order to hit your goal of $96 per day? 

In nearly all of the examples I provided, just one appointment per day would suffice. 

Doesn’t that feel doable? 

Sometimes, just two of these appointments per week would get you to your goal of $480 for the week. 

That’s why prioritizing your service/product menu is so important. If you’re working this as a part time business, then choose the specialty that yields the greatest return on your investment of time and energy. 

Get intentional. 

It takes the same effort to market to medical facilities as it does estate planning attorneys-it’s nearly the exact same strategy. It’s true for nearly every specialty, it will always come down to your online visibility and your outreach to warm and cold prospects-that’s it. 

Choose your specialty that helps “make the boat go faster” toward your goal and then get to work on the daily activities to get you there. 

Don’t worry, I’ve already blazed a trail and paved the road for you with my list of “Daily Dos.”

These eight habits helped earn me ten times more revenue each month than we’re talking about here, but the activities that generate $2,000 a month are the same that generate $20,000 a month. How cool is that?

Read more about my Daily Dos here

What would an extra $2,000 a month do for you and your household right now? 

If you’re ready to get serious about staying on track with goals like this, I have room for 88 more huuuungry notary entrepreneurs in High Performance Notary at the lowest available price. 

Inside High Performance Notary, we’ll:

  • Set your annual revenue goal
  • Customize your Daily Dos so you know exactly what to do every day in your business
  • Meet each week to set priorities and review your progress (Starting in January)
  • Support each other in a highly engaged community on the Skool platform

No fluff, no BS. This is a goal achievement community where we focus on becoming the type of entrepreneurs who do the things that successful entrepreneurs do. 

You’re invited to join today for just $21 per month. Or, get 46% off if you join for the entire year at just $147. 

Join High Performance Notary for either $21 per month or $147 for the year (46% off)

Word of warning…

This special price is available for the next 88 members only. Once we hit 700 members, the price will increase significantly. Hope you get in while you can.


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