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My Free Prospect List Template (And More)

Nov 26, 2024

If you're new to my teachings, the Fab 100 is the prospect list I advocate for use to grow your business. It's a central hub for all your potential client data and your notes about how your marketing efforts are going. 

This helps you know exactly  who you should be marketing to as you grow your business!

I made a template on Google Sheets that you can use for free and I'll share it below. But, I want you to know, I didn't stop with the simple Fab 100 list. 

I created multiple tabs to help you better manage other aspects of your business too. With this FREE template, you can track:

  • Estate planning attorney prospects
  • Escrow officer prospects
  • Signing companies
  • And even medical facilities!

Then, you can easily add tabs to capture and track your very own prospects for ANY specialty you are going for!

And this is free, my gift to you!

I'm on a mission to help you serve more clients, make more money, and build a business that thrives no matter what. 

Well, THIS template will help you even more!

And get this, I didn't even stop there, because I like things to be EASY. 

I added tabs to help you create your Contact List too! This is a list of EVERYONE you know, business and personal, and will help you succeed to levels you've never even imagined. 

I also included a tab for your own personal referral list. This list is a collection of amazing professionals that you can refer your friends, family, and clients to, is critical to your overall success as a professional notary. 

Yep, this Google Sheet is still free. 

And, I added a directory database too, so you can keep a central hub of all your online notary directory listings in one place. This makes updating your info SO much easier each year. 

I'm giving you the spreadsheet for FREE-no strings. You don't even have to provide your email address for it. 

All I ask is that you watch the video about how to use it at the link below. 

How to use the spreadhseet here

To access the Google Sheet, you can click the link below, BUT FIRST PLEASE NOTE...

You DO NOT NEED TO REQUEST EDIT PERMISSION to use this spreadhseet. Here's how to access: 

Click the link below to open the Google Sheet

Then, Click FILE>Make a Copy

That gives you freedom to name it whatever you want and edit to your heart's desire. Add tabs, delete tabs, make columns, erase columns-it's yours! 

Copy the template here

Everything you need to know to navigate the spreadsheet is in the video-please watch it! 

These are the lists that I teach to, the lists that have helped me create multiple six figure revenue as a mobile notary and loan signing agent. 

  • You need to have a prospect list...
  • You need to have a contact list...
  • You need to have a referral list...
  • And you need a solid digital presence through online profiles. 

This is a consolidated tool to help that make it happen. 

And, if you want some guidance, support, and accountability to implement the use of this tool, PLEASE join us in High Performance Notary (HPN)

HPN is a special community on the Skool platform designed to inspire engaged conversation. We're focused simply on the execution of your goals. 

We'll hold an Annual Revenue Worksheet Workshop to help you decide your income goal for the year ahead. 

Then, in that same workshop, we'll determine what services you have at your disposal to make that income goal happen. 

Then, we make a plan on your next steps to implement. 

Then, we execute. 

Every week, we'll meet to set goals, review progress & celebrate wins.

There is NO OTHER community that helps you progress on your goals, get passed your BS, and help you BE YOUR GREATEST. 

Join High Performance Notary Now

You can pay monthly if your timid and want to dip your toes first. 

For the bold, we cut the price almost in half, if you pay annually. 

You're welcome to join us either way, but please, come prepared to work. We're making next year YOUR best year EVER!


50% Complete

Almost There! 

Enter your email for the free report that details how I got started and grew my mobile notary and loan signing agent business to multiple six-figures.