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Boo’ ks and Legacy

Oct 31, 2022

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See what I did there for this Halloween post? 

We’re wrapping up another month, today in fact, October 31, 2022. I checked my book sales from October 1 thru right now, and this is what I found:

 1,100 notary books sold…in just 31 days. 

If you have an inner critic like mine, you might be frozen with thoughts like:

  • “Who the hell are you to write a book?”
  • “No one will read a book about that?”
  • “You’re NOT an expert!”
  • “You’re not a good writer.”

That’s just negative chatter from an inner voice trying to protect you from heartbreak and discomfort. That’s the ego’s job-to protect the status quo. Change is scary to our ego. And writing and publishing a book can change everything.

It did for me. And it lit a fire inside. I had hoped to publish two books this year, but will likely just publish one. Next year? Big goals again. One, two, maybe three more books. 

What about you? Do you have a story inside you that can help someone else? Writing and publishing a book can be part of your impact and your legacy. 

I assure you someone needs to hear your story. 

I just sold an average of 36 NOTARY books a day for the month of October. Imagine what is possible for your book. 

Get started on your book writing journey today with a free webinar with my friend, Matt Emmorey, here.

Bill Soroka is the founder of Notary Business Builder, an elite community of professional Notary entrepreneurs that are committed to building a successful business in any economy by leveraging authentic sharing technology and cultivating deeper relationships.  He is also the best selling author of three books (and counting) designed to help notaries build their dream lbusiness. 


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