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Make Your Own Spirit Halloween Notary Meme

Oct 30, 2022

I'm not much for fads. It's not always a conscious decision, but it seems that I come into them either before their fads, or (more likely) after their fads.

Still, I think the Spirit Halloween Meme could be an opportunity to have some fun, even self-deprecating fun, to help spread the word about your notary business. 

Below, is the Michael Myers sized stab I took at my own meme. And then after that, I included the original image that everyone else is using to create their memes. 

I used Canva to create this. Simply download the original image I provided. Upload it into Canva. If you have the premium version of Canva, use the background remover feature to "clean" your image. Add a textbox for what is included in the costume package. Then add a text box for what is sold separately.

Have fun with this! 

You could  add branding, phone numbers, etc, but I've found that it takes away from the fun and authenticity. Try doing it just because. See what happens. 

Feel free to share however you'd like. Here's mine:


And her is the original that you can download and play with:


Bill Soroka is the founder of Notary Business Builder, an elite community of professional Notary entrepreneurs that are committed to building a successful business in any economy by leveraging authentic sharing technology and cultivating deeper relationships.  He is also the best selling author of three books (and counting) designed to help notaries build their dream lbusiness. 


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