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Notary Coach's Weekly MOREcast Follow Up For 5/15/18

May 21, 2018

 Weekly MOREcast for 5/15/18

Signing Schedule

So grateful for an amazing team that is covering my siginings for the rest of the week. I'll be traveling to San Jose, California tomorrow for a very intense training, and I have peace of mind knowing that my clients are in good hands. Thank you to the students of Sign & Thrive who have helped make that happen! We are approaching the end of the month, and purchase-money signings are through the roof!

Quotes That Speak to Me

"Authentic is more important, and more powerful, than perfect." -Harv Ecker

We are craving authentic connection, and when you demonstrate this with people (your clients included), magical things happen.

What I am Reading

"Wisdom of the Shamans" by Don Jose Ruiz

I am just getting started on this one, but loving the message of interconnectedness.

What I am Loving This Week

Qapital Savings Account and App

This has been so handy! I can automatically save ANY percentage of the deposits into my business account. This is perfect for saving for taxes!

Prime Objective

Make sure all systems and contacts are clarified for the point person in charge while I am traveling. And, have some fun in San Jose meeting some of you!

For more information, visit


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Almost There! 

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