At some point, you just have to do it.
You have to stop thinking about it. Stop planning for it. Stop dreaming about doing it.
And just do the thing.
The thing you know you should be doing anyway.
Send the email to a prospect. Pop-in to an attorney. Make the cold call. Create the list. Update the profile. Click publish. Hit send. Walk out the door. Knock. Dial. Enter.
It’s time.
Bill Soroka is on a mission to help mobile notaries serve more clients, make more money, and build a business that thrives beyond loan signings, self-reliant & untethered to the housing industry. Together with industry expert Laura Biewer, he wrote the bestselling book, “Beyond Loan Signings: How to Monetize Your Notary Commission Through Specialty Work.”You can order your copy here.
Thanksgiving weekend is what I call my Sacred Weekend.
Nearly ten years ago, these four days were going to either represent my death, or my legacy.
I was so depressed after the collapse of my remaining businesses (save this one, as a mobile notary), that I was ready to off myself completely.
I mean, after 26 business failures, there’s only so much a man can take.
Or, is there?
I could have done the deed. Sure, it’s possible. Aside from a bottle of vodka though, I really hadn’t made any plans for my departure. Pills? I had them. Drugs? I had them. Guns? I had them.
And yet, I didn't need them.
Gratefully (hence my “Sacred Weekend”), instead of taking my life, I decided to make my life. I had to figure out WHAT it was that stopped me from achieving the results I wanted.
If not WHAT, then, WHO?
I won’t keep you in distress. It was ME!
I was in the way, as usual.
Limiting beliefs. Excuses. Poor...
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